10 Simple tips for developing your leadership capability
The leaders in the business world of today simply cannot merely rely on training processes to meet the growing complexity and demand placed on them. Modern business demands free, proactive and insightful leadership that inspires fresh ideas and solutions to business obstacles. To be this type of leader, you need to be flexible, confident and capable of thinking outside of the script.
While the process of attaining these qualities may seem daunting, the journey begins with looking at your own behaviours and interactions with those you lead.
Here are some simple tips on how to begin developing yourself into the leader you’ve always wanted to be.
1. Get in touch with your leadership style
What leadership style do you possess? Identify and push your strengths, while being conscious of your weaknesses and working on them. Be open to trying a new approach to qualities that may be hindering your ability to lead effectively.
2. Develop your emotional awareness
Depending purely on a high level of intelligence, drive and skill as a measurement for leadership capability is outdated. And for good reason! Success in leadership is also based on a capability to connect with others beyond surface interaction. Are you aware of your own moods, external and internal behaviours? Are you conscious of your interactions with others and how you make them feel?
3. Take the time to listen and communicate
Effective leaders know that team members exhibiting poor performance are not just a problem that needs to be solved. They’re human beings. Take the time to build relationships with your team members and develop an understanding of their fears, anxieties and sticking points. Encourage them to try new things and break past their limiting self beliefs which in turn, promoting positivity and a willingness to follow. Let them know you’re on their side.
4. Stay positive!
Positivity is, and always has been, an infectious thing. Driving positive behaviours in others and opening them up to creativity, opportunity and performance begins with a positive attitude. When others observe that you are happy and driven in what you do, they will feel more compelled to align themselves with you.
5. Communicate and demonstrate your passion
Passion does not go un-noticed. Your team looks to you for vision, drive and motivation and if you can effectively communicate and demostrate your drive your team will feel inspired and motivated with vision and purpose.
6. Act with Integrity
Dealing with others in a business environment who cannot be trusted to do what they say, when they say and uphold the interest of all involved, is frustrating and blocks innovative thinking and positive workflow. It is vital that those who work alongside you know they can rely on you to uphold your promises not only so they can rely on you when needed, but so they too feel inclined to behave in the same way.
7. Stay focused on your goals
Goal setting and focus are the cement that glues planning and action together. If you can stay focused on your goals and avoid being derailed by obstacles and complications, you will derive deep satisfaction when they are achieved.
8. Inspire and motivate your followers
Sometimes all that's needed to progress beyond obstacles and sticking points is a little encouragement, motivation and inspiration. Let's face it, everyone get's frustrated and down from time to time and having a leader who can inspire and encourage their team will make the difference between getting stuck, or moving beyond to greener pastures.
9. Offer recognition, acknowledgement and positive reinforcement
Your followers need to know that all the hard work, blood sweat and tears they put into their working day are valued and noticed. Don't forget to encourage your people and let them know they are doing an outstanding job. If nothing else, they will feel compelled to live up to your words!
10. Keep trying new things
If the current way of doing things is getting you where you want to be as a leader, don't be afraid to experiment! Effective leaders are constantly trying and adopting new strategies for tackling problems in the business environment and finding what works for them. One thing is for sure, if you keep doing the exact same thing and expect a different outcome, you're doomed to failure!
Read more about our leadership development solutions.