Our voice to your potential.

Developing your resilience
Taken from our ‘Increasing Resilience in a Volatile World’ programme.

What your boss expects of you
Whilst performance targets are usually clearly discussed and documented what about the undocumented expectations? What should you be doing beyond your formal job description that will make you indispensable to your boss and to your organisation as a whole?

Emotional intelligence can boost leadership performance
Many studies have found that prolonged stress can cause degeneration in the brain area responsible for self control. Whilst moderate stress is an essential emotion that promotes performance peaks, prolonged stress can cause physical and emotional damage.

Vicki Townsley accredited to do psychometric assessments to assist with recruitment and selection
We are pleased to announce that Vicki is now accredited with HOGREFE to perform psychometric assessments utilising their NEO Personality Inventory (PI-R).

Inspirational Quotes for Transformational Change, Leadership and Business Ethics
Here are some great inspirational business ethics, leadership and management quotes that I’ve compiled.

10 Simple tips for developing your leadership capability
The leaders in the business world of today simply cannot merely rely on training processes to meet the growing complexity and demand placed on them. Modern business demands free, proactive and insightful leadership that inspires fresh ideas and solutions to business obstacles. To be this type of leader, you need to be flexible, confident and capable of thinking outside of the script.
While the process of attaining these qualities may seem daunting, the journey begins with looking at your own behaviours and interactions with those you lead.