We believe in human potential.

Our core beliefs are represented in our name,
Ethical Quest
1. Being Authentic.
People want to do what they believe in. People want to be heard and feel safe speaking their thoughts, opinions and ideas without judgement or fear. Being authentic and true to oneself and your values, can sometimes seem risky. We believe that people are at their best when hearts and minds are in alignment.
2. Courage to Overcome Fear
Fear can sabotage our performance, our development, our thinking and ultimately our happiness at work and in life. Our choices often come with real or perceived risk and we are forced to make decisions that can take real courage. We believe we are here to help people walk through the fear that paralyzes them.
3. Learning is a lifelong journey.
Finding our purpose and a sense of belonging is a quest we pursue that evolves throughout life. We believe in a growth mindset, a faith in ourselves and each other, and being open and accepting to difference, new ideas and experiences. This will lead us all towards self-discovery, and the ability to unlock our potential.
“A fearless organisation is one where results are exceptional, positive and purposeful and the conversations are courageous”
Professor Amy C. Edmondson of Harvard Business School, The Fearless Organization

Why do we use a butterfly in our logo?
For us, It’s a symbol of struggle, transformation, transition, expectancy of what’s to come, and the revealing of a new self.
This metamorphosis, if you will, takes time, patience, perseverance and hard work.
Just as no two butterflies are alike, the same can be said about our client’s experience. No two people have the exact same story.
And… we LOVE hearing people’s stories. It is through our stories that we can learn from each other,
understand and support each other, and be accountable to each other to evoke change.
1) We need to realize change is needed. A butterfly can’t exist without being a caterpillar first.
We help organisations identify and action core issues within themselves, their teams, and organisation that require change.
2) The butterfly needs to emerge from the chrysalis before it can fly.
We work with many organisations who are often stuck in the cycle of doom, a lack of innovation, inspiration and motivation.
Trying to break this cycle often comes with great risk (real or perceived) and great fear but always great reward. It takes being open to accepting change, a new direction, and putting in the work of facing challenging and uncomfortable steps in the process.
We understand the process required for learning, growth and breakthrough, and our team provides support all the way through each step. It is this type of work that is the heart of what we do and how we help our clients achieve amazing end results.
3) Just as the caterpillar goes from stage to stage before it becomes the butterfly, so do our clients (leaders, teams, individuals) as change starts to happen. It starts with evaluation of their beliefs, and values, and learning how to feel safe in the workplace without risk of judgement. All of this takes incredible courage to accept and have it take place,, forcing individuals to face fears and have the humility to grow in oneself. It takes letting go of what is standing in the way, and making space to embrace the change happening in us and around us. We help our clients through this journey by facilitating hard conversations, engaging in practical strategies, and directing thought-leadership initiatives that provide opportunities to learn and be vulnerable during the process.
4) Influence. Nearing the end of our workshops, is when we start seeing authentic change in our client’s thoughts, interactions, and responses to the way that they work and view their “world”. It is here that we see our clients exemplifying the progress made out to their circles of influence, successfully initiating authentic change in their workplaces. Here emerges the majestic butterfly, the full transformation and whole new world of possibility. It’s our goal at Ethical Quest, that we are connected with our clients through every part of the experience, helping our “butterflies” to live and thrive, equipping them with the tools needed to create, initiate, and cultivate healthy sustainable change and a positive workplace for years to come.
Over the years, we have heard a lot of stories from our clients of both personal and corporate struggle, hard realizations about themselves, their careers, their teams and leadership, and we have heard a lot of examples of positive change, overcoming fear and celebrating breakthroughs. We have heard many success stories from amazing people all over the world – but there’s one story we haven’t heard. YOURS.
Ethical Quest is here to help YOU write your success story, and we also want to help you share it. Anything is possible.
Let’s see your butterfly emerge.
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