Acceptance is not enough for me!
I want more.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not inspired by simply accepting the things I cannot change. I want more to live a happy and fulfilled life.
This Covid-19 world has seen the collapse of many structures, expectations, hopes and dreams for me, for many of us.
I’ve been coming to terms with all of this. It’s called grieving. Letting go of one way and trying to move towards another.
As a person who is passionate about helping people to achieve their potential, I know the theory about change. I can recite it all for you now if you like?
The theory doesn’t help me much when I’m going through the emotions; shock, anger, denial….and depression. I’ve had a couple of nights in tears and the theory wasn’t very comforting. Actually, a couple of times I’ve taken out a metaphoric stick and beaten myself up saying that I ‘should’ know better. That, as a teacher of this stuff, I ‘should’ somehow be moving through this faster etc
Thankfully, with the help of mindfulness, caring friends (and colleagues) and continuous learning I am managing to turn down the volume on the inner critic in favour of kinder words to myself which is fantastic
What’s also helping me is the knowledge that emotions are part of the journey, to allow myself to have them. I’ve joined a meditation group of incredible women and this spiritual nourishment is helping me to release emotional ‘blockages’ inside my body in a very healthy and supportive way. I know that what I resist, persists. Letting the emotion out is a healing experience. There’s an open invitation for any of you (not just women) to join.
The Courage to Change
I want a new butterfly to emerge from the chrysalis. I want to evolve in my life and in my business and for me this means reconnecting to purpose and meaning in a new context.
I find my coach incredibly helpful here because I can’t coach myself when I’m going through the motions of grief. I also find keeping an attitude of gratitude is key to maintaining a positive outlook and genuine happiness.
I have a client that is making such a difference in my journey right now. We are creating virtual programmes together that connect to this new purpose and meaning. I am especially grateful for this opportunity because taking positive action towards the new is key. We are helping each other to adapt and evolve.
Into Action!
Action is the butterfly emerging. We can’t ‘think our way’ into the future, we have to create it together. Having relationships where the trust and alignment is strong can make this journey positive and possible even when we may be suffering from ‘growing pains’. Here’s to the butterfly emerging and the surprises to come!!