Jo is an experienced coach and facilitator who specialises in behavioural change and embedding attitudes of personal accountability and confidence to drive business growth.
She draws on 6 years of tertiary academic investigation into the quality of management education and ideal composition of leadership teams. She also has 25 years practical experience coaching and advising corporate clients on the skills and mindset required to achieve individual and business objectives.
Jo works at senior levels with Directors and Executives, primarily in the areas of Leadership, Sales and Change. She has designed, project managed and delivered large scale transformation projects throughout Europe, Australia and NZ. She is an experienced Executive Coach whose insight and empathy enables her to challenge constructively and with warmth.
Jo achieved a Doctor of Philosophy (History) in 2004 where she focused on the effectiveness of post graduate leadership education. She was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council of the United Kingdom. Her work was shared with management thinkers/authors such as Henry Mintzberg. Jo’s Masters investigated issues of diversity in senior management.